Sep 30, 2009


I slept (almost all the way) through the night last night for the first time in three weeks.

When I got in the cab to head to seminary, I didn't feel like I was going to throw up from anxiety.

And then I taught a pretty decent lesson, complete with fresh cinnamon rolls straight out of the oven in the adjacent kitchen at the church.

And this boy in my class - he told me that I did a good job (!!). And a girl said that she loved my sense of humor (& that my new hair cut was pretty). It's sort of amazing what compliments from 15 year olds can do for one's self esteem.

I walked home happy. I can do this.

(Totally unrelated, but sort of related to making cinnamon rolls I suppose, even though [I should clarify] they were definitely not from scratch - I made Blueberry Cornmeal Pancakes with Orange Maple Butter for lunch with friends yesterday. Amazing. I love them.)


Lindsey said...

Hooray! I remember most of my favorite teachers were the ones that brought food. :) Besides yummy cinnamon rolls, they must love having a young, hip teacher that can more easily relate to them.

erin said...

i'm sure the kids all love you. you're young and hip and smart and cute. you're gonna own this calling. and cinnamon rolls? can i come next time?

Jan said...

Yea! I know the kids have got to love you....they're a lucky bunch, that's for sure. I love the variety they get by having three teachers. It keeps everything fresh. Good job Kathryn....and Mike too. We're so proud of both of you!

Jeanne said...

The students are lucky to have you, Kathryn. Hang in there. The rewards are great...and it sounds like they're already giving back a bit. It's such an important job. I'm sorry you got hurt and hope you recover quickly. Jeanne

Lisa Olsen said...

If your students say ANYTHING to you that early in the morning, consider it a compliment!!!! :}

From my short time visiting your blog, it sounds like they are so blessed to have someone so creative as their teacher.

One idea my students loved: Using the whiteboards. I had a small 12 x 12 piece of whiteboard for each student. I would ask a question, of give an "if/then" statement and they had to write their response and hold them up. It's a great way to get those who normally aren't as vocal to participate.

For example: If adversity is to teach us and test us, then....

You can use the whiteboards for lots of different things. Any hardware store can cut them for you.

Can you tell I miss teaching? I'm blessed to be on EFY faculty, so I still get to enjoy the teenagers every summer!!

Lisa Olsen (Jen Rauzon's mom!)