Oct 14, 2009

Baby Ada comes over for lunch.

Corinne's Baby Ada is getting more & more pretty. We got to spend the day together yesterday together & I took advantage of her nap on our couch to show her mom about the wonders of my 50mm lens at f/1.4 (although these are all taken at about f/2.8). She's a pretty baby, right? RIGHT? She really is. She also happens to have super baby strength (she can stand up, holding her own weight - seriously), & is likely a genius. Only Kyle & Corinne could produce such a magnificent child.

Corinne & I had Pumpkin Turkey Chili for lunch. It's a perfect fall meal, with cornbread.


Kyle said...

Everything you say is true. I checked the EXIF data.

Jill said...

baby ada is a beauty. she's going to spend her life stealing the spotlight. its a hard life i say.

Tara Edwards said...

The lense is amazing, baby is beautiful, but you sort of forgot the camera attached to the lense! If you don't think it makes a difference, I can take it off your hands :)

Missy said...

how old is she? she can already stand herself up??

even still, love baby cheeks:)

Jessie said...

Aw. My niece is so cute ;-) Thanks for posting.