Oct 11, 2009


From Jill's happy birthday breakfast on Friday at Big Daddy's. I guess I take photos of food fairly often, but sometimes I just think that it's so pretty & I can't resist. My friends are likely super embarrassed by me & my massive (i.e. definitely not discreet) camera. Awesome. But I love playing with it & documenting my daily wanderings. And let me tell you, if you zoom in on this photo, you can see the individual atoms that make up the strawberries. Seriously. It's sort of ridiculous.


mb said...

You know I've never been to the Met? I can't tell you how many times I suggest going to my dear spouse but he'll veto the idea faster than I can spew it out of my mouth. How about that for a visual.

p.s. we love big daddy's.

Tara Edwards said...

Only you could make oatmeal look so pretty.

Missy said...

Oh I love, love oatmeal. I suddenly can't wait for breakfast. Better get to bed:)