Oct 6, 2009

I keep myself fairly occupied when Mike is gone so I don't crumble from loneliness.

Yesterday was Day #1 of Mike being gone. Well, technically Day #2. But the first full weekday, so we'll call it day #1.

Anyway. On Day #1, I:

Taught seminary, & then talked with brother-in-law Bryan who was at the airport en route to Hoduras.  And then I went down to the West Village with friends for lunch to celebrate Jill's birthday (at PB&J & Co., which we decided was fine, but nothing special), getting it to go & eating at Washington Square Park because it was just so nice outside. Plus, we could watch people play chess, which really wasn't all that interesting actually because I have no idea how to play. I tried once. It just didn't work. Anyway. It was a lovely day, so we walked, heading to that one street that is northeast of Washington Square Park - you know, the one that is private, & cobble-stoned & looks like you're in London, or at least California? That one. And then we wandered, & I went back up to the Upper East Side & I thought 76th Street was just looking so pretty.

Friend Erin fed me last night, which was oh-so-kind of her. We ate pork chops, because she cooks real food like that. I would have had cereal while watching Gossip Girl had I been at home. Instead, I had pork chops, & fresh vegetables & warm donuts with ice cream while watching Gossip Girl. Thank-you-very-much Burtons.

Day #2 of Mike being gone, & let me tell you - today I have plans, one of which is doing lots & lots of laundry (delicates, which means I'm doing them by myself) & cleaning up my apartment which is sort of in shambles. Seriously, it is.

Did you see the NieNie is going to be on Oprah tomorrow? I've maybe watched Oprah 4 times in my adult life, but I'm totally watching.


JC said...

pb&co is silly. You have to try it at least once though. But the peanut butter is amazing. It's the only kind I buy now (cinnamon raisin swirl is the chappell choice)


k. said...

That's what we like too, Jenn. Yum. Mike will eat it by the spoonful out of the jar (which is why he hates it when we have it around). But a jar of it is $5, & a sandwich in the shop is $7. Dumb.

Erin said...

I never made it to pb jelly co, and I lived close to there the whole time...

I'm loving the sun flare of course! Looks like you got the hang of it!!

erin said...

jill's pretty. and now looking back on it, i think my doctor would have shot my foot off had i eaten a fluffernutter. pretty sure there's absolutely no nutritional value in that thing, whatsoever.

Kera said...

Fun. Nice to chat with you yesterday.

Jill said...

goodness. i love the photos. i love the photo of jill. and the tile/leaf photo.

p.s. good to see you. so fun. and please tivo oprah for me. :)

Julie said...

I grew up eating fluffernutters...I thought it was our family secret? Is it weird if I want that picture?

Missy said...

Wait, how do you do that beautiful sun flare?

And what is PB and CO? I love peanut butter. Do they sell it online??