Oct 5, 2009

October shower.

Jill's shower on Saturday was nice.

I made my mom's blueberry muffins & Shake Shack's hot chocolate.

Jill's cousin Linsey did the (amazing) invites & the labels for the food & favors. She's talented.

Lots of other friends who love Jill helped out with the food, decor, etc.

(I was quite poor at taking photos of actual, um, people.)

So fun. Now for the countdown.


erin said...

i love parties. let's think up more reasons to have them. and it's a good sign you didn't take many pictures... means you were thoroughly enjoying yourself.

Jill said...

THANK YOU. the pictures are beautiful. it was such a nice party.

Missy said...

I'm so anxious to hear what she has! Those muffins look delish too.