Oct 24, 2009

Give me some skinny jeans & call me a hipster, because I'm going back to the LES.

The Lower East Side is a total pain to get to from the Upper East Side. It's just not that easy, but Sugar Sweet Sunshine is in the Lower East Side, & Sarah Jane has been telling me about this little bakery for years now. Years. Corinne mentioned it the other day too, & I just knew I had to get down there. On Thursday, Corinne, Kelsey, Suzi & I made the trek & reaped the rewards. This little place is good. Like, maybe just maybe my-very-favorite good. I need to back & sample a few more, but my pistachio cupcake (a reasonable $1.50) was just amazing, & the Pumpkin Eggnog Pudding (seasonal) is worth the trip alone. It's a cute little place too, & I liked being able to sit & chat on their retro couches with really fun wallpaper.

Afterwards, we spent a bit of time in Economy Candy. It was a throwback to all of my Halloween candy of the 80's, & the place was just saturated with the smell of sugar. Candy cigarettes, Pez, Charleston Chew, Bazooka gum, Pop Rocks... They had it all, & it was cheap. I came away with a few massive lollipops that I'm sure I'll do something with.

We stopped for lunch right around the corner at Creperie (I guess we were doing things a little bit out of order that day). Crepes happen to be one of my very favorite foods, & this place was yummy. Tiny, but really good. Ada stole the show however by having her first blowout as a baby, requiring the two of us to strip her down naked on a bench in the LES. If you know Corinne, this is just really funny because the LES is just about the edgiest edgiest in the city, & apparently Ada is just an edgy baby. Anyway. Ada was naked, & people may have stared, but probably because she's just so cute with those big rolls. Ada is a cute baby.

I really like that we were in an amazing bakery, a ridiculous candy shop, & a French creperie (& maybe a shoe store) all within a block or two of each other. This is why I like (love.) New York.

Photos, photos, photos.

*Post edit: Friend Suzi brought home a box of four cupcakes & just reported back to me. She & her husband hated all four of them. As in, thought that they were gross. That's sort of devastating to me. I had the pumpkin pudding & the pistachio cupcake. Both were amazing, but I guess that's all that I can vouch for. I'm giving it one more shot, but now I'm nervous. 


Abbie said...

Okay, now I need to drag my kids down again for some pudding - sounds amazing. That's so funny we both went in the same week. Maybe next time we should coordinate, and get a dozen doughnuts for DP.

laurel said...

Oh fun! Best cupcakes in the city, in my opinion. Economy candy has the cheapest chocolate covered gummy bears (my favorite!) that I've ever found, and I've seen the creperie but haven't been. Thanks for the suggestion!

Amy said...

Candy cigarettes will become illegal in the state of New York very soon, so get your fill!

mb said...

Oh boy. I love this post because I love cupcakes and I REALLY love the economy candy store

Anonymous said...

So, so, so jealous. That cupcake shop looks A-MAZING.

I'm booking my flight out there right now.

Lizzie said...

Sweet Sunshine Bakery is delicious, although I haven't been there in about a year. Sounds like a fun outing!

erin said...

but suzi is picky. freakishly picky. a revisit is definitely in order. with me, next time.

caitlin and brinton said...

Oh my goodness, candy cigarettes? I need a pack of those! I used to love them! You get to have all the fun over there in NYC.