Oct 22, 2009

Miss Jane.

That's me, with Baby Jane. A girl!! About 17 hours old & precious as can be. She's as pretty as her mama with lots of dark hair to match. I took a few (a lot of.) photos of Jane, Brad & Jill when I was at the hospital this afternoon. They all looked lovely.

Lots of love & congrats to the Skousens, & welcome to the world little J.


Lizzie said...

Look at all that hair! What a sweetie.

Corinne said...

I'll have to see more pictures before I'm certain, but I think she's gorgeous :) Way to go Brad and Jill!! Can't wait to meet her.

mb said...

So I have a relative named Jane Skousen...a great-great something, aunt I think.

This Jane is adorable. I love all of the hair! SO sweet!

Julia said...

She is perfect. I can't believe all that hair (probably more than Will has had in a whole year). I can't wait to meet her.

Missy said...

A girl!! She is beautiful! Congrats to Jill and husband...this is so so exciting. So, she was born on the 21st or 22nd?

She's beautiful!

k. said...

The 21st around 7pm. :)

Jennifer said...

New babies are the best. Pretty photos.