Oct 19, 2009

My Dad was slightly east of the Mississipi so he came to visit me.

(Dinner. Central Park. Central Park)

My dad has the idea that if he's east of the Mississippi then he's in the neighborhood. As in the New York City neighborhood. This is fantastic for me, because it means we have a fairly regular (i.e. annual, if not semi-annual) visitor from the Hudson Family Tree. So when my dad had a Sunday meeting in Chicago the other week, he swung by New York Wednesday night through Sunday morning so that he could grab a few days with us. I love that my dad will go out of his way (even though he'll argues it's on his way) to come visit us. It makes me feel loved, & that's just a nice feeling.

While he was here? We ate quite a bit, per usual. Atlantic Grill (seafood) Beyoglu (Turkish) & Spigolo (Italian) - all on the Upper East Side, & all fantastic. Especially Spigolo, which we'd never tried before. Amazing. We also walked quite a bit (per usual) - all the way across the park one day, just for fun, grabbing lunch at Shake Shack on the west side. I seemed to only have my polaroid camera with me - which my dad found completely ridiculous - so these are the only three shots I have of his visit. Sad.

Next time I'm lugging the real camera along. My dad and my mom are coming in a few weeks. Two, to be exact. Then Tara (finally!) comes the week after that. Then we're in Mexico. November is a big Hudson month for us, which is awesome considering the other 11 months of the year rarely are.

1 comment:

Angie said...

I am so excited for you. There's nothing better than having your family come to visit! Well, except maybe going on a vacation together. And you get to do both! Have fun this month! That's the best.