Oct 19, 2009


 We had a really perfect weekend in the suburbs with the Burtons (sadly, Matt & Mike aren't pictured here - just Fox, me & Erin)

We picked apples, cooked, pumpkin-gathered, ate, drove, wandered, crafted & ate some more.

Lots of photos to come.


Missy said...

Who is who? This is such a fun picture.

Mike said...

brilliant composition...

Kera said...

new color? I want the green ones. . . or red cause they look fun.

k. said...

Missy, it goes Fox - Kathryn - Erin.

Kera, my black boots turned grey (the natural rubber "blooms"), so I got a new pair - for free. Now my maroon ones are turning pink / purple. Can't win. :)

Jill said...

My green wellies would have looked adorable in this picture (along with Wyatt of course) :). Sad we couldn't be there.

Corinne said...

Great apple placement.

erin said...

or, nice apples.