Nov 10, 2009

Dear Blog, I have something to tell you.

Via Mike's iPhone. From Saturday. We ran out onto the end of this jetty to watch the sunset. Mike said I was prancing. It was beautiful & I had a happy feeling. 

I quit my job on Sunday night.


My first day of work was Friday. 72 hours later, I quit. QUIT. I dropped off my laptop & BlackBerry yesterday. I'm not going to tell the story here. It's not for the internet.

(It was bad.)

I've never done anything like this in my life. But I am so, so happy - like the weight of the world has been lifted off of my shoulders. I had warm, fuzzy feelings which confirmed that I'd made a good + right decision. I'm grateful for those (& for parents, in-laws & mentors who helped me navigate a very difficult & complicated situation). Overall, I was reminded that I need to follow my gut. I think I've got a pretty good one.

One of the greatest lessons I've learned this year is trust - in myself, in greater plans, in higher powers. Having that trust feels good.

And friends? I name you one by one when I count my blessings. Over & over again in the past few days, I've been reminded of how lucky I am to have you. You've been so good to me these past few days. Lots of love to you (& that includes you, M).


Missy said...

congrats are in order yet again kathryn. that feeling, when you know you've just done the right thing, is one of the greatest.

Unknown said...

Oh, good. I was just about to email and check in about work, but I know that happy feeling too and it definitely beats knowing you're not in the right place for yourself. Good work, Kathryn. I think doing something for yourself that's good but DIFFICULT may be the most important thing to learn during our lives.

I really like what you have going for you right now. I'm glad you have such good friends + family to see you through it...

Abbie said...

I'm so glad you got out of that craziness. Ahhh! Crazy!

Erin said...

I'm sad to say that i'm glad! :) I was going to miss your blogging!

I'm glad things are good, but I'm sorry you had what sounds like a rough situation.

Now get back to that prancing!

Jennifer said...

Hooray! Glad you are happy.

Louise said...

Wow!! I was not expecting that when I saw the title of your blog post, although I did involountarily hold my breath beacuse I figured by the formal tone it was going to be big!

Honestly, I'm proud of you. It takes great courage to follow our "gut" instinct (or the spirit's direction) - but it is always worth it for the good feelings afterwards. And doesn't it give you so much confidence, too?

Nicely done, Kathryn. I'm pleased for you.

Lindsey said...

i'm happy/relieved for you. it does take courage (like louise said). good job!

erin said...

as your sister wisely put it, "all is right with the world."

Jan said...

Joy !
We're SO proud of you, and your wise decision. These things are hard, but the decision was correct, and you'll be so much the better for having made it!!!

Lizzie said...

It sounds like you are happy :)

Heidi said...

I am happy you could do this knowing it makes you happier- and way lucky you are in a position to quit and not have that job be your only lifeline.

So what is next? Do you still want a job back in the corporate world? Or are you going to stick to pursuing photography? Or both?

Jamie said...

That isn't an easy thing to do, but your "gut feeling" will never lead you in the wrong direction. It seems everytime I try to challenge it, I quickly realize I made the wrong decision. Hopefully nothing bad happened besides not feeling right. Way to go for staying true to yourself!

Emily said...

Wow...takes a lot of courage to do the hard, scary thing. Congratulations, and continue trusting in yourself! :)