Nov 19, 2009

Just a few things.

(Tara took this on Sunday.)

I haven't really felt like blogging lately.

It's been a really busy week.

On Tuesday, for example - I taught seminary at 6:30am. I did laundry. I dropped off my favorite coat at the tailor to get fixed, because I've almost worn it to death. I burned two CD's full of photos to give to the Mackays (that we shot over the weekend - & I love them). I went to Adorama to buy new filters & a lens cap (I prefer B&H). I went to Anthropologie to make a return (i.e. to make an exchange). I searched for dresses for my sisters & I to wear to Joanna's wedding in February (!!). I met with a search firm about a potential opportunity. I had a wax appointment (Mexico!). I met with some parents to discuss their teenager's involvement in seminary. We went to the hospital to visit Mike's mom who had major (& successful) surgery on Monday. We ordered dinner, because there was no way I was cooking it. I prepared my seminary lesson for Wednesday (we made a Facebook profile page for Christ - is that sacrilegious? It was a great lesson, I think).

I taught seminary again this morning & one (1) student showed up, 25 minutes late. It made me sad, but preparing the lesson was good for me.

I shot some family photos in the park this morning. I can't post any of them because the internet is a scary place for some mommies, & that's okay. But they turned out really well & I was happy. I'm going to take some more when I'm back - & I'm thinking I need to go down to Tribeca. Or Soho. Or maybe across the Brooklyn Bridge. I love Central Park, but it's getting brown. And New York is the greatest backdrop for photos, I think.

We leave for California tomorrow, & then from California to Mexico on Sunday. I'm excited for warm, for friends, for family.

We had a great time with Tara here. I love that she visits me often. I took a few photos, but not nearly as many as I'd like. I'll post them later. The whole lens-almost-dying thing kind of shook me up or something. I didn't technically drop it, by the way. It fell. In a case. At Shake Shack, on their cement floor. At the perfect angle, causing much crushing. But anyway. We did a lot of things. Shopping. Eating. Photography gallery visiting. Baby showering. Baking. Shopping some more. Wandering. Sephora-ing (Sephora is much more fun with sisters). It was great, except for the time when we got on the A instead of the E train & then got out into the pouring rain, blocks away from where we needed to be (there was a bit of a noreaster on Friday & Saturday).


Lindsey said...

love the updates! you are busy. i am excited for you to go mexico...and a bit envious!

Missy said...

on man, your tuesday sounds BUSY.

this photo is maybe my favorite. all those fall leaves!!