Nov 16, 2009

You would cry too if it happened to you.

My camera & very favorite (+ still uninsured*) lens took a bit of a tumble on Saturday, face first**. Think lens cap smashed into the filter & likely the lens, unable to twist anything off. There were tinkling noises, like fairy dust (i.e. glass).

I sat on the subway platform & cried, obviously.

Mike & Tara performed some triage work when we got home & were able to stabilize it. The good news, after taking it to the camera hospital first thing today? It's going to make it. Total cost of repair = $16 (+ the cost of a new filter & a new lens cap of course - the weight of the lens & body crushed both, but left the actual glass unscathed). I get to bring it home tomorrow.

Thank goodness for the filter that saved my 24-70mm. Do those photos make your stomach hurt, too??

(The other good news? The camera body itself was undamaged, & I was able to use my other lens + Tara's, all weekend. Phew.)

*All camera equipment is now included on a rider of our insurance policy.
**In the case! Must buy new camera bag with more padding.


Kelsey said...

whew...what a glorious price tag! $16.00 is very doable. Glad to hear that they took good care of you and didn't rip you off.

emily said...

Makes the filter a no brainer, right?! :) Wow...that did make my stomach hurt just looking at those pics...

Mary Grace said...

at first, I was like: NOOoooooo!! but then, the solution calmed me down.

Unknown said...

I'm amazed by the $16 too. But phew. That was a stressful post.

Angie said...

I literally covered my mouth, gasped and said "Noooooo!" out loud after reading the first part. That would really really really suck if you hadn't been able to fix it. Whew! Glad it worked out ok.

mb said...

Good gravy I almost peed my pants. Where'd you take it??? Does B&H do that? What will you take pictures of to celebrate its return? Sorry for all the question marks...

Jill said...

i threw up in my mouth a little bit when i saw those pictures. i'm glad it can be repaired though. that was a close call.

Erin said...

Oh my gosh! That looks BAD! (sorry) I can't believe it only cost 16 dollars to fix. That is GREAT NEWS. I hate it when stuff like this happens... No fun.

Glad you still had a great weekend.

Suzanne said...

What an amazing outcome. What would we do without your pictures? I'm serious. And you are such an adult with that insurance rider talk and all. Impressive.

Kylie Whiting said...

i'm so sorry you had to go through that!! AHHHHH! my heart was hurting when i read it.

Lindsey said...

so glad this has a happy ending.

eyre blog said...

you have got to be kidding me! thank heavens it is repairable.

Missy said...

Seriously?! Oh my goodness. I was sure you would have to buy an entirely new lens. Such a relief. Wow.

This means I'm ready and waiting to see all the photos from the weekend:)

Dylana Suarez said...

Stunning photography on here!

Lovely blog!

Lauren said...

OH NO!!!!! so sorry!

but only $16? not bad.

Jennifer said...

Why are these large cameras so hard to take care of? I feel like mine needs its own nanny when we travel with it. Camera drama is the worst.

Glad it worked out ok.