Nov 30, 2009

Michael & Sarah Jayne got married. It was spectacular & oh so very happy.

Michael & Sarah Jayne's wedding. I stole photos when I could, sneaking behind Jill for some of the group shots (which was likely so annoying, oops - but oh how I loved meeting her). The wedding was perfect. It was perfectly happy. The food was amazing. Sarah Jayne was stunning (as were the bridesmaids - oh my!). We danced. Mike danced. I loved the sparklers, the colors, the simple-yet-gorgeous aesthetic of this wedding. And the setting? Breathtaking.

My attempt:


Kera said...

Beautiful. Love your red dress. Maybe in my next life I can plan a much cooler wedding. At least I got your handsome/awesome brother out of the deal.

erin said...

i want a do-over, to the same man. this looks spectacular. love your dress. yep.

Lisa Olsen said...

Such lovely photos of a beautiful wedding!

Lindsey said...


Jill said...

your 'attempt' is fantastic, really, wow! beautiful details. and it looks like mike has some stellar dance moves! he made me laugh outloud.

Emily said...

Such a gorgeous wedding, and that red/orange dress you wore is awesome!