Nov 1, 2009

Up for air.

It's been a jam-packed couple of days. Surprises! Turning 27. Lots of food. Lots of photos. A crazy parade, thoughtful friends, & a really nice husband. On top of just being busy, I'm a teensy bit stressed & in need of constantly reminding myself that I am blessed. I have no room to complain, even if I feel like maybe a prescription for Xanax is in the cards.

More soon. Does anyone else feel like if it isn't blogged it might be forgotten?


Erin said...

I ALWAYS get stressed about blogging. So dumb! :) Happy Birthday. Your hubby is a keeper. How sweet was his surprise! :) How does it feel being 27? I will be there in 10 days. Crazy. Hope you feel less stressed soon! I am loving all the pictures!

mb said...

agreed about the blogged or forgotten. Either that or I like to hear myself talk. Or I guess read.

noelle said...

yes! in answer to your question. and happy, happy 27th birthday. 27 is a pretty age.

Missy said...

Oh I love that bottom right photo. Someone holding all those fall leaves? I told Devin this week that our children are missing out on all the pretty fall colors.

Lula. said...

I definitely feel like "it" will be forgotten if not blogged... that's probably why so many of my posts seem boring, irrelevant or nonsensical. It's documentation FOR ME that I just so happen to be sharing with everyone I know. I guess sharing it makes it feel a little bit more important or something...