Dec 22, 2009


We went & saw Avatar last night with Mike's sister Cara & brother Dave (in from Washington DC & BYU, respectively). Cara got a little motion sickness, but I loved it - which is surprising considering my favorite genre of movies are of the conflict-free / happy ending / romantic comedy variety. Lots of tension just makes me anxious & I internalize far more than a reasonable person should. Anyway. Don't bother seeing it if you can't watch it in Imax / 3D though. I just don't think it would be the same.

And I'd be ignoring the elephant in the room if I didn't address my Mr. T appearance in this photo. The glasses with my necklace (which looks scary via polaroid for some reason??) make me look like all I'm missing is a nice pair of diamond & gold grills.

(I was happy to have my spray Purel in my purse. These glasses were sanitized before we put them on our faces.)

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