Dec 23, 2009

Christmas in the City: Good bye city, hello suburbs.

We're heading out this afternoon to spend the next few days with Mike's family (our second Christmas in a row staying back east). New Canaan is beautiful during Christmas & we're excited for things like caroling at God's Acre tomorrow night  & making crepes (a Hudson family tradition I've infiltrated them with) on Christmas morning. Dan, Dave & Cara are in town from Colorado, Utah & Washington DC & we get to talk to Bryan (in Honduras) on Friday. Fun. I'm happy that it's only a 50 minute train ride on Metro North to their home vs. a cross-country flight. I obviously (always) miss my family, & I wish I could be sitting in front of the fire at the cabin with a cup of hot cocoa, but this year - with all the storms & cancelled flights - I'm grateful to be on the East Coast.

(Next year, Washington. Promise.)


Kera said...

Thanks SO much for the present. We need pajamas for our Christmas Eve party tomorrow night and now I don't have to brave the last minute crowds and lousy weather to go get them! Merry Christmas!

Jennifer said...

Have a great time. I've thoroughly enjoyed all of your Chrtistmas posts.