Dec 1, 2009


My photo-taking for the week actually yielded quite meager results. 300 in total, I think. Oops.

(On a totally different note, I used to write more. Not that I wrote anything important, per se, but I need to get back there. Write more, post less photos.)

 Here are the favorites. I'm clearly indecisive at times.


Jill said...

I'm jealous. The beach is sounding really nice right about now. Our UT Thanksgiving was a little different. I believe it was 19 degrees at one point.

Unknown said...

do you realize how amazing you always make your life look? I always eagerly anticipate your recaps.

Tara Edwards said...

I think I just need to take you guys everywhere I go with my kids. It was so much fun... Thanks for giving us your family vacation again!

Missy said...

Love all these photos! The sunset one's with your silhouette's the most though. Looks relaxing and exactly how a winter holiday should be celebrated.

Tell me that your sister's oldest looks a bit like Mike. Right??

Lindsey said...

I think my faves are the sunsets/silhouette ones too (but i love them all). i really want to go to mexico NOW!

mb said...

How fun. You look so much like your mom. Makes me want to go to the beach pretty badly. one of these days...

Kelly said...

Wow these pictures are amazing! What a wonderful way to spend Thanksgiving. Can I ask you what lens you used? (Lindsey's sis)

k. said...

Hi Kelly! I shoot primarily with a 24-70mm f/2.8L, or a 50mm f/1.4 (on a Canon 5D Mark II). I think most of these were my 24-70mm though.

Jill said...

i am loving all of your flowery tops. fajitas sound good to me for thanksgiving!

Lula. said...

What a fun looking trip! It seems like you guys are always doing the greatest things! And no fair.... you are probably TAN in December!

ps. GREAT photos.

Meg said...

Your pictures are just amazing. I seriously love looking at your photos. PS. Your adorable

emily said...

What a beautiful documentary! Way to go! Where is this by the way??? I want to go!

Julie said...


erin said...

the sunset pictures are my favorites. so pretty.

Lizzie said...

Looks like a fabulous Thanksgiving!

Morgan said...

What a fun trip! It all sounds so perfect. I would never have considered a turkey-less Thanksgiving dinner before, but now I've heard experience and I'm seriously tempted to try it one year. I'm happy to hear that you had such a great time with your family:)