Dec 3, 2009

I call it "cemetery" when I have a bad attitude, but this morning it was sort of fun.

I took this a few weeks ago. 6:15am. Just for fun, with my polaroid. Our building is so pretty.

This morning, the sky was racing. It really was. I can't explain it, except that I walked out of my apartment, & it was dark, but I could see these puffy, huge black & blue clouds (leftover from last night's torrential rain storm) just sprinting over the buildings & out of the city, almost close enough to touch them. It's nothing but blue skies now.

Some mornings, seminary comes very early. It comes extra-early when you're at a concert until almost 1am the night before. Oops.

We did scripture mastery this morning. I cut out photos of Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson's pretty heads out of US Weekly, stuck them on a poster board & then drew them nice little stick bodies (Kristen's dress was not seminary-appropriate, although very cute). I named them Wally & Molly Mormon. We broke out into groups (um, 2 groups since there was a grand total four students this morning), & made up stories / skits about Wally & Molly struggling with something or making bad decisions, & then used the scripture mastery verses to help them solve their problems. Even at 6:30am, I think we had fun.


Jill said...

You are a good seminary teacher. Seriously.

Missy said...

That's creative Kathryn. And seminary + creativity could be a tough combination (at 6:00 am no less) but it sounds like you did well!

Lisa Olsen said...

Love that idea! Wow they are lucky to have you!!
Here's one of my students' favorite activities.
It got them reading and paying attention to what they read!

Give them a scripture block to read. A story with lots of details is good.
(Alma war chapters work well for this - but it can really be any scripture block or short chapter even.) Then use a timer to give them 3-5 minutes (or more) to read the block. Then have them answer questions you have prepared. I used the small little silver bells for each student. First one to ring in with the right answer got a candy bar or something. They loved this. And, it gave me the opportunity to stop and talk about any principles I wante"d to expand on or make sure the absorbed. It's a great activity to use for a last minute "oh, no I haven't prepped" day!!!! :)

Funny story about the bells. The day I filmed for my application for EFY, I used the bells. It was one of those days...bells were ringing at all the wrong times. I thought for sure they would just look at that tape and laugh and say NO WAY. Anyway, it was a fun day and I guess CES decided I was worth the chance!! 6 years later I'm still loving EFY!!

Kera said...

I bet you are so fun for them. I will force my kids to take seminary to make up for the fact that I didn't take it. Who doesn't just LOVE parents who are always living vicariously through their children.

k. said...

Lisa, thanks so much for your teaching tips... I always so appreciate them.
