Jan 13, 2010

Fox has a baby sister.

(The track in progress.)

Fox, Gunther & I had a sleepover last night while Erin & Matt welcomed baby Indiana (photos!) into the world. More on that later (hooray!!), but let me tell you - a) I am good at making train tracks & b) I need a dog. I mean, Mike is amenable to my cuddling needs, but sometimes gets antsy & just wants his space. But Gunther? He slept on the couch with me ALL. NIGHT. LONG. & his little body kept me toasty warm as it was jammed up against mine. He's a little aggressive in his cuddling, & hasn't really mastered the art of subtlety (licking my toes wasn't really appropriate), but the natural heat pocket? I'll take it, especially with the temperatures hovering below freezing these days.

This morning I said - Fox, do you have a new baby sister? He said, Yes! My natural follow up was - Fox, do you have any idea what this means? 


Erin will come home with baby sister from the hospital tomorrow & Fox's little world will likely be turned upside down. I've tried to give him a happy day today, which has meant watching Toy Story 2 together for the 3rd time in 3 weeks I think, building an intricate track system for his trains, having a play date with Wyatt & Jill (where we, I mean Jill, made yummy lemon ricotta pancakes) & doing lots of likely embarrassing things that quickly cause giggles for the both of us. And right this very minute - Fox and Gunther are both passed out in their respective beds. It's been fun. And the past 24 hours have just been happy.


Becky said...

Sounds like you had quite the sleepover! I will say I am a bit jealous of the cuddling time you had with the dog. I definitely need one of those as well. Congratulations to Erin and Matt. So exciting! I'm sure they are so grateful to have a friend like you to watch Fox and of course Gunther. Hope you are doing wonderful! See you soon. Becky Mennear

Jill said...

yay yay yay for the burton clan! i'm so glad fox has you to look out for him, and you have gunther. :) maybe you really should get a dog? but then you have to pick up after him on the sidewalk... hmmm... thats true love.

i will anxiously await news/pictures on the new addition.

Lindsey said...

You are a good babysitter! And friend!

Congrats to your friend.

I don't know that I could sleep next to a dog...but I like them when they're outside! :)

Abbie said...

Yayayay!!! So exciting! Oh, I can't wait to know more about her. you're such a good friend, Kathryn. I'm sure fox and Gunther just love you.

MorahJulie said...

Congrats Erin!

noelle said...

really can't wait for your pictures of baby indie!! you are such a GREAT friend, kathryn. and lucky you! i wanna sleepover with fox and gunther. i'm glad erin and matt have such a sweet friend to help them out.

mb said...

Yayayayay!!!! SO exciting!

And gunther is the only dog that has ever made me want a dog of my own!

Missy said...

congrats to your friend erin! I love when babies are born...so exciting!

what kind of a dog is gunther? you sort of left me hanging!

k. said...

Hmm... Gunther is a wiener dog / lab mix, I think. Photo of him here:


Jill said...

you are such a good friend/babysitter. sorry our play date was not more eventful! those pancakes (although almost a total disaster) were delicious. thanks for making the trek down to our place to play. and yay for the burtons! fox will soon know what it means now that baby sister has arrived :)

erin said...

you are fox's favorite person. and gunther's. you gave them both the best 24 hours of their little lives. i think it's way past official that i owe you for eternity. very, very happy day.

Angie said...

I think you are such a great friend to provide such service to them. And I bet Fox loves you.