New Year's day is quiet in the city. It's a welcome change of pace for 24 hours. People sleep in, shops stay closed. The subways are empty (as are the platforms), the cabs are parked & no one is in an apparent rush to get anywhere. It's lovely.
We met friends for brunch Friday morning & had a few minutes to kill on the 42nd Street Platform where we were planning on meeting them. It seems so self-indulgent / self-promoting to take photos of um, us, by ourselves - & then to post them. But we did. And I am.
I love black & white. Mike always gets mad when I shoot in monochrome instead of just keeping the optionality to edit later, but I like to see it in my viewfinder in black & white. I think it's pretty.
PS - Mike shaved his beard off this morning. It was cute, but it means he's allowed to kiss me again. Ouch!

his beard is very cute. i don't think patrick has ever gone with out facial hair. it grows back in 2 hours.
the beard was fun and a good look for mike, but i'm happy for you that you won't rash up every time he goes in for the kill.
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