Jan 22, 2010

M&J Trimming.

Buttons! Ribbons! Fringe! Appliques!

Kelsey took Jill & I on a tour through the Garment District this afternoon. We swung by M&J Trimming & spent a few minutes exploring. Oh my gosh, if I were the crafty type, it would be a dream come true. The store is amazing. The inventory is incredible. So many textures & colors.

(I have to say though - I've seen so many of the materials on Etsy shops & not-to-be-named blogs. These people? They are making A KILLING. An absolute killing based on materials purchased [so inexpensive] & labor involved [um, virtually none]. It almost made me angry, but hey - good for them I suppose!)


ellen said...

Shut up! That place looks like heaven. Next time I'm in NYC I'm going to find it.

Louise said...

Be still my beating heart! Seriously how much fun! If I ever make it back to NYC, that place is going on my tour list (along with all of your other suggestions of course!).

Jennifer said...

Pretty pictures. But I'll be honest, I'd have a heart attack in a place like that. Too much.

But I LOVE looking at the photos pop up on your blog.

emily said...

Oh my goodness. When I come to NY and you take me on a tour...(hee hee, dreaming here...)this is a MUST. I will bring an extra suitcase JUST for items like these! :)

Lizzie said...

Love that store, but not being the crafty type either, I usually come out empty handed.

Jan said...

Oh la la!!! There was a day when a place like like would absolutely make my heart race! Now I'd just get a head ache - But it sure it pretty!

Jill said...

yeah, the next time we go there..we need to browse the etsy site and make a list of supplies.

Lula. said...

PURE. HEAVEN. I want to go there!

Meg said...

I. Love. This. Post.