Jan 11, 2010


(I love sales.)

And then my camera died.


Anonymous said...

I have a major obsession with flats. I own like 25 pair, no joke. And I would make it 26 with those gray ones! So cute!

Jill said...

I would like both of those please. I hope you bought them.

Kera said...

cute shoes. love the gray ones.

Erin Cox said...

hi, i'm new to your blog and just wanted to say i love your photos...such a cute blog!

i'll definitely be stopping by more often!


Lindsey said...

did you buy those shoes? i love them.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos!

k. said...

Bought them - at like, a zillion percent off. Happy, happy. :)

erin said...

dying. shoes. love.