Jan 7, 2010

West Side Story.

Happy Birthday (yesterday) to friend Mindy. We celebrated with pizza at Angelo's & a visit to the Broadway revival of West Side Story. The music! The dancing! The snapping. Oh my gosh, I loved, loved it. Karen Olivo (won a Tony in '09 for West Side Story & we also saw her in In the Heights) had such a powerful voice & was absolutely amazing, as was Tony (played by Jeremy Jordan).


Mindy said...

Thanks for coming last night...it was magical. And so much fun to watch you jump when Chino shot Tony. Sorry for the sad ending!

And, wow, it's time to lose that 10 pounds and get a hairuct. Welcome 2010.

Mary Elizabeth Liberty said...

wow, I was there, but it all looks so great through your lens!

noelle said...

oh, snap. i knew i should've gone to this instead. dang it. next time. how quickly can i get back before she finishes her run with them...

and sweet kathryn, thank you for your kind email. xo.

Louise said...

I love the photo inside the theatre before curtain up. Sounds like a fun evening. And your hot chocolate extravaganza in your previous post sounds divine!

Jill said...

very cool city pics. love that mindy too.