Gosh, Mike's post has got me all nostalgic... looking back at that engagement photo of us & such. I pulled out our external hard drive of vintage (3 megapixel!) photos from 2005 this morning. Please indulge me here for a second, but these are from a pre-blogging time, which is great because I was a really, really terrible photographer. It's funny to look at these photos though... We were so excited & eager. And so young (& notice Mike's baby face, the faded jeans, Mike's baggy pants & my bigger butt). I'm fairly certain that we had no idea what we were getting into. The majority of what was in our bank account was dumped into the deposit & first month's rent for our first apartment. Our first salaries were nothing to brag about. We were 22 & 24. Our parents must have been terrified.
We married April 30th in Spokane (a week after graduating from BYU), honeymooned in Cancun for a week, flew to Utah on a Sunday & picked up our things out of Mike's grandmother's garage, drove across the country to New Canaan with Mike's car & a UHaul trailor with all of our worldly belongings behind us (a story in & of itself), arrived on a Thursday, found our apartment in the city on a Friday with the help of my parents, had our reception in New Canaan on Saturday & moved into our apartment on Tuesday. We had dinner at Shake Shack that night, helpful since we had nothing in our apartment. We owned a (tiny) kitchen table & a hutch for our television that we had kindly been gifted. Other than that, our belongings were minimal. We ordered furniture, but that didn't arrive for several more weeks (!!), & until we tracked down an air mattress, we didn't even have a bed. Maybe two folding chairs? I don't remember.
Mike started his job shortly after, & I landed my first job at a consulting firm I had naively never heard of. I'm not quite sure why they hired me. I didn't own a suit prior to coming to New York (I thought a blazer would suffice), & had to use a map to get to my office which was a direct shot up in Midtown on the subway from Wall Street. The first time I got off the subway coming home by myself, I cried, called Mike, cried some more, & then finally figured out how to navigate my way back through the maze of the Financial District. A box of cereal cost $6. I didn't know where to buy anything. I missed my family. The girls at work were aggressive, & wore fancy designers I had never even heard of (although not unkind - one of the girls immediately bought me a guide book to New York - she clearly knew I was overwhelmed). I felt different. I didn't have any friends.
But - I had a brand new husband who was oh so much fun. And we adjusted, slowly. We finally made a few good friends (Robbins, when are you moving back??). We discovered a love for Battery Park, Adrienne's Pizza Bar & late night Chipotle when we couldn't figure out what to make for dinner. Walking past the stock exchange every single day became less of a novelty. I found the grocery store. I finally figured out how to get home without a map, & without tears.
I liked our first year, naivete & all, & I'll happily take the wrinkles & old(er) age as a trade off for the 5 years together, in this city. Three apartments. Two wards. Three jobs (me, although 4 if we're being technical). Probably a zillion restaurants. A few visitors (more, please). Lots of really wonderful friends. Hard experiences that forced us to grow. Doors that have opened (or closed) to bless our lives. New York really becoming home.
We're lucky, & we like it here.

so cute!
I LOVED this post-- It reminded me so much of my first summer in New York. It was such an adventure. You guys look so young in those pictures-- but they make me really want spring to come.
How are you doing these days? I feel like I haven't seen you forever.
I'm loving your new header and all of the cute apples!
I loved reading about your experiences of moving to the city and adjusting and settling in and growing to love it all. On my first day living in New York I was just a scared little girl who got lost on the subway for a few hours. It was all so scary. And then a couple of years later I looked back and could barely even believe how far I'd come. It's so fun to reminisce and realize how much you've grown.
i'm bringing my skis out this week. so tell mike to plan on thursday next week. are you guys in utah yet?
I love this post. So much. I think because this city makes all of us go through the same "initiation" when we move here. I went waaay over my minutes when we first moved here calling Adam. I nodded along through every word.
hmm. i love flashbacks:) i remember meeting you guys at maglebys right after your honeymoon (somewhat awkward yes???) and saying goodbye to you guys as headed out in your uhaul. little did i know i would be joining your family in a year and becoming a little lost 21 year old puppy in beautiful san fran. LIFE.
hmm. i love flashbacks:) i remember meeting you guys at maglebys right after your honeymoon (somewhat awkward yes???) and saying goodbye to you guys as headed out in your uhaul. little did i know i would be joining your family in a year and becoming a little lost 21 year old puppy in beautiful san fran. LIFE.
my mom:
oh my gosh, you two really do look alike!
oh my gosh, mike looks like a teenager!
It is funny to think back at how young you guys (and us) were when we got married. I remember thinking I was so old and knew so much because I was a college graduate...then quickly found out we knew a lot about facts but not so much about being an adult. Oh the things you learn when you are thrown into the fire. I agree with you 100% - everything is better when you have your best friend with you along for the ride. Hope to visit you guys sometime!
I love what living in a big city does for someone. And you guys have done a lot too. I suddenly want to go back to the beginning of your blog to read about all your "beginnings."
Great post! It's nice that you love where you are. :)
so fun to read/see pics from 'the beginning'. i am like missy, kind of want to go back and read some of your earlier posts now!
i like one of the comments about 'initiation'. so true.
You both look so cute! And young! Mom gave me some pictures of Kevin and me with Parker when he was a baby, and its amazing how time marches on, and sudenly you are an adult! Love it :)
Oh the flared jeans, OOOOH the flared jeans! How the tables have turned, I remember being against skinnies when they first came about...and now....
On a different note, your FIRST apartment in the city is by far superior to ANY apartment we've had. All in good time....hopefully....
I'm going to blame it on my current condition, but the shout out to us made me tear up! :)
I thought this entry was so wonderful. I hope Brianne reads it! No matter what you do or where you go when you first get married, it's the adventure and the love that means the most. I admire you both for jumping in to the big city with both feet!!
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