Feb 21, 2010

A brief discussion on a few Provo food options.

Sweet potato fries at Guru's. I loved Guru's when I lived in Provo. How did I miss these?! I had them not once, but three times during my 10-day trip. Once with mother + sister, once with brother-in-law Dave & once with friend Kylie.  I need to make these very soon. Yum.  

Sweet Tooth Fairy cupcakes. Being a NYC food snob & all (you can't blame me), I was skeptical. Loved these, especially the Strawberry Shortcake, the Lemon & the VaNIElla (my very favorite). Pretty, too. Nice job, Provo.

Cafe Rio (No Photos Allowed On Premises!! they say). Confession: I think I'd rather have Chipotle. That's probably some sort of BYU alumni sin, but I prefer fresh & light over heavy & cheesy (kind of like how I prefer my favorite enchilada recipe over anything especially cheesy & saucy). I could only eat about 1/4th of this massive burrito before the silver to-go lid was popped on. The sad story is that Mike & I took an LSAT prep class just around the corner from Cafe Rio our senior year, & we ate at Cafe Rio often. AND I'D EAT THE ENTIRE BURRITO! Not even the salad. The burrito. I'm not quite sure how that happened, or how I didn't weight 400 pounds by the time we got married.

I already mentioned our other eatings while in Utah. Suffice it to say, we're eating quite sensibly back in New York this week. 


Angie said...

Mmm, you're making me excited for my trip out in a couple weeks. And I am impressed that you even order the burrito in the first place! I am not up to that challenge. Half salad for me! :) I've never tried Sweet Tooth Fairy so that will have to be on my to-do list. Thanks for the tip! (Your pictures are gorgeous as usual. Even of just food!)

Kera said...

we did a little girls outing in denver last night and ate at costa azul (same thing as rio). i ate all but two bites of my burrito and i could have EASILY polished it off but i was trying walk out with a smidgen of dignity. just call me porky. awesome.

Jill said...

1/4 of the burrito? you are a light weight. i can inhale an entire burrito in about 5 min. yum. and those sweet potato fries? so good. you gotta have the dipping sauce along with them to make the meal complete though.

Jamie said...

There must be something about absence making the stomach grow smaller because when I was out there in January I had a hard time finishing my burrito. But since we were going home the next day and I didn't want to take the leftovers on the plane, I mustered up enough room in my belly to cram it all in (but it didn't come as easily as it did in college).

Missy said...

I'm just not that big of a fan of Cafe Rio either. Maybe because I'm surrounded by the real Mexican food here in So Cal, but it just sort of seems fake to me.

Buuut, those sweet potato fries look delicious.

mb said...

Oh yes! Chipotle over Cafe Rio!

Now I'm craving chipotle.

erin said...

that burrito looks like the size of jill's baby.