Feb 7, 2010

Food Rules.

If you don't want to buy this ($11) book, then definitely read this article in The New York Times. Ms. Brody begins by noting that "In the more than four decades that [she has] been reading and writing about the findings of nutritional science, [she has] come across nothing more intelligent, sensible & simple to follow than the 64 principles outlined" in Polan's new book.

I like sensible

I'll never be one to gush about how our family is so organic!!. I believe in moderation in all things, but I think we're doing a better job of eating well (especially with Trader Joe's & Costco providing more easily accessible organic options). Maybe more importantly, we're more aware of what we eat (don't forget that Shake Shack buys all of its produce from the greenmarkets in New York, doesn't use trans fats [even before NYC banned its use, by law] & uses green energy to power their buildings, thank you very much). I've read The Omnivores Dilemma. I've seen Fast Food Nation, King Corn & Super Size Me. Food, Inc. is in our NetFlix queue. They've all terrified me (as they probably should). But flipping through this book at Barnes & Noble before picking it up yesterday? Simple. Organized. Thorough. (Relatively) Easy. I like all of those things.

I'm reading the rest of it on my flight this afternoon.


Lindsey said...

I've been wanting to buy this one. We're the same. I think we eat better now and are more aware of what we're eating. We could probably do even better, but I am also quite happy with where we're at.

way to go shake shack!

Meg said...

Oh oh oh I love this book. It is only $5 on Amazong right now too! I love how simple he makes it, AND I love how he is pretty straight forward about the fact that you're going to have to spend some time in the kitchen. Good rec!!!