I shaved my legs today for the first time in, oh, about a week. Mike is so lucky to have me. Especially since he left this afternoon for a head start on next week's Utah trip & I won't see him until probably Monday night. Sorry.
And this week? Yeah, it's just sort of been a bit of a wash. I never quite actually made dinner. Mike was a sport & did a couple of times. Or we went out. Or grabbed takeout (hence the bag & the extent of my photographic creativity this week). Or ate cereal. Again - lucky to have me. Really.
We're getting a snowstorm this weekend. Not to the extent that DC is I'm sure, but I'm hoping that my flight out on Sunday is still okay. The cab ride alone to JFK makes me anxious. Mike left our apartment in a car this afternoon & called me 45 (FORTY FIVE!) minutes later to let me know that he was still in Manhattan. At 125th Street & 1st Avenue, roughly 2 miles away from our apartment. That's not awesome. Luckily, he just called & he'll make his flight. Barely. But still. Anxious.
Did I mention that he's going to be away from New York for basically the next two weeks? This weekend + next week while we're in Utah (where we'll be together, sort of, I guess) + the entire week following spent with clients in California. I think I should officially designate myself as his client so that I can book some time on his calendar.
Have I ever mentioned that I'm needy? I am (surprise!!).
Sister Joanna is getting married a week from tomorrow. I'm so happy for her.
I need someone to teach me how to turn regular jeans into skinny jeans.
I love my friends. They're so nice to me. Lots of love to you.
I interviewed for my dream job this week. They loved me (they said so). I'm going back. We'll see.
I fully intend on going to bed by 8pm 9pm tonight.
I thought Pink's performance at the Grammy's (old news) was so beautiful. Even if she was naked.
I always want to be genuine. It's one of my very favorite qualities in other people, & the lack of such a trait is always my biggest turnoff.
I'm maybe too much of a cynic, I think. Someone told me that last week. That I was a cynic. Sad?
I always want to be genuine. It's one of my very favorite qualities in other people, & the lack of such a trait is always my biggest turnoff.
I'm maybe too much of a cynic, I think. Someone told me that last week. That I was a cynic. Sad?
I'd like to travel to Spain this year.
I worry when I see "[insert name of certain friend] is now a fan of Sarah Palin" on Facebook. Where is the dislike button?
I worry when I see "[insert name of certain friend] is now a fan of Sarah Palin" on Facebook. Where is the dislike button?
Happy weekend.
What is your dream job?! I am dying to hear about this.
Oh and maybe your Utah trip is already booked solid but I did just try a yummy place there last week called Lonestar Taqueria in SLC, off of 2300 E. and Fort Union. I recommend the tortilla chips, fish tacos, and pork tamales (with the sauce). Yum. Google it.
Hi, I am a friend of Heidi's (see above comment) and I have read/stalked your blog for awhile now. I figured it was time to say hello and contribute. Here is a skinny jean tutorial for kids, but I figure the same rules would apply to adult jeans.
Let us know if works out!
Responses (courtesy in flight Internet)
- Unshaved legs provide enhanced traction
- NYC takeout > most relief society fare (don't sweat it)
- You're the best deal I've ever closed
- I too need a "Hammer pants" intervention
- Am I allowed to like naked spinning women?
- I'm a genuine cynic
- Vamonos a Esssshhhpaña. Super guay.
- I'm a fan of the sensible political center - Somebody get Bloomberg up in the White Heezy
Ha. This was a good one. And Mike's responses are petty much awesome.
Niki, so great - thank you. Totally making one of my sewing friends help me (ha!). :)
PS MIke - you made me laugh @ 2am when I checked my blackberry in a half-sleep stupor.
mike's comments - so great.
i love the last one. i worry when i see the same thing...and about bill o' reilly... i guess they probably worry when they see i like jon stewart though.
i want to hear about the dream job too!
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