Good bye hot girl I tried to pick up in periodicals

Good bye zoobie guys with long sideburns (don't worry, they've already remade 90210, so before you know it, long sideburns will catch on nationwide... socks with sandals are sure to follow shortly thereafter)

Good bye, fleeting glimpse of facial hair...

... soon you will go the way of Christmas '09 beard, just another clog in the drain of life

Good bye cheesy Magelby's rolls... may you always be cheesier than an evening at The Malt Shoppe / Fat Cats / The Dollar Theater

Good bye snowboarding diet of Reese's Puffs and and In N Out... The 1000 calorie freebie afforded by 6+ hours of intense daily exercise has been liberating

Good bye incessantly monitoring the Doppler radar... Your pathetic and sporadic specs of green and white will mock me no more

Good bye mountains... thx 4 the memories, TTYL, LYLAS
haha. that girl looks like she might be into you...
She totally looks like she's into you!
Two hotties - great post!
Good bye sister Elizabeth.....
that zoobie is most definitely in one of my classes. AHAHAHAHH long live the zoobs.
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