Feb 17, 2010

We took a future Cougar on a little campus tour.

Mike & I stole nephew Parker away for a campus tour of BYU Friday evening when we were killing time between family photos & the rehearsal dinner. Parker lives in Oregon, & has lots of peer pressure to go to school there (although I don't remember if he wants to be a Beaver, or a Duck). But Friday? He kept saying, This place is so cool! This is awesome! I'm fairly certain that we successfully brainwashed sold him on 4 years in Provo. We showed him the Wilk (he was very impressed with the plethora of food options), the bookstore, the Eyring Science Center & the periodicals (the underground library), of course. Who isn't impressed by those moving shelves?!

I have lots of happy memories from BYU, as quirky as it was... & it is a really quirky place. That's undeniable. I'm reminded of this every time I go to visit... the clean-cut & maybe borderline clone aesthetic of almost everyone there, the people watching (i.e. observing awkward & obvious first dates), the little girls pushing doll strollers (right? right?), the overwhelming Mormon Culture. But really. I'm happy I went to school there. I had a really good time. I feel lucky to have had the opportunity. I think Parker would have fun, too.

And those mountains? Is any campus prettier? I think not. 


Tara Edwards said...

He seriously had so much fun! Thanks for brainwashing him, I mean, taking him. If there had been pretty girls walking around, it would be a slam dunk! But you still did your job!

Kera said...

dorks :)

we would be ecstatic if our kids went to byu. growing up in utah i would have never thought i would say that.

and the mountains. AMAZING.

Jan said...

Doesn't Parker have the coolest Aunt and Uncle ever? I'm glad he got to see the campus as a youngster - Maybe one summer soon he can go to one of those awesome youth summer camps to close the deal.

Missy said...

This is the nephew that I promise looks like a mini-Mike. Do you see it? Or is it totally cross-country blogger friend seeing similarities?

I love visiting BYU. It's weird, yes. But, oh I have the best memories. The photo of the HBLL got me all hopeful to go back this summer (when it is warm) for a visit.

mb said...

WAIT. How OLD is he??? How is he already being pressured about college!?

Heidi said...

Those mountains, they hold a piece of my heart! Love the pics.

Please tell me you had a coat, because it looks really chilly.

noelle said...

awwww. byu. memories... looking at that library reminds me of how i used to work in special collections... down at the very, very bottom of the library with all the... er, interesting folk. so fun. and how cute is your nephew??