Feb 18, 2010


Just a few of my favorite snapshots from sister Joanna's wedding. Wasn't she beautiful?

(I love, love, love my family.)


Kera said...

-patrick's face is classic
-reese is such a cute little gremlin baby :)

LOVE ALL the pictures! What a fun fun day. I love the "crazy/intense" Hudson fam. So happy I didn't run away after my first trip to the cabin :)

Kera said...

oh and maybe someday i wont have a mullet anymore! awesome.

Joanna said...

Oh. My. Goodness. Nate and I just came in from the beach and I had a note from mom on email to check your blog.... SO CUTE Kathryn!!! I love, love, love the photos you got, and can't wait to see all of them!!! And, um, I was laughing a lot that day, huh!! What a magical weekend. Thank you, thank you for being a part of it all. We love you!!!

Missy said...

Oh these are priceless. I love, love the one you posted below but all of them are just beautiful. They look happy and beautiful and congrats to your sister. And your family for welcoming a new member into it!

Heather said...

What a fun wedding! And I spotted Araon & Kayti Oldham in the photos, too! They're so great!

Unknown said...

gorgeous photos! your sister and new bro-in-law make a beautiful couple. oh, i love weddings and love. you are so good with your camera, kathryn.

Unknown said...

Beautiful pics, and what a beautiful family you have Kathryn! you are so talented at taking photos!

Louise said...

Oh Kathryn, you have a talent that is for sure. Your family is beautiful and your sister is a stunning bride. I absolutely loved her dress, she looked gorgeous! So unusual but beautiful.

What a happy day!!

Jill said...

WOW! kathryn these are BEAUTIFUL pictures. what a gorgeous wedding. honestly joelle and i were just ooohing and ahhing for 10 minutes over all of the details. joanna's dress/hair, she's beautiful + nate is handsome. your nieces/nephews are so adorable. and you look like a new yorker in your classy black. :)

Heidi said...

Ooo I like her dress, and adorning hairpiece.

Green and black were my wedding colors too, I'm a fan.

Tara Edwards said...

Love Love Love Love Love them! And our family! Great job, as always!

noelle said...

ENVY!!!!!!!!!! dripping with ENVY!!!!!!!!!! like for everything! camera/talent envy, dress envy, shoe envy, hair accessory envy, flower envy, like it won't stop. oh, i looooooooove these pictures! kathryn, you are so, so, so good. please be professional. there is too much mediocrity out there and you, my friend, are the total opposite of mediocre! people need to hire you and pay you for your talent! you would be doing the world a service. truly.

Melissa said...

Wow! Joanna looks absolutely gorgeous! and HAPPY! Love her dress...so beautiful!

Sine family said...

Those pictures are amazing. Looks like it was a great wedding and you did a great job of capturing it.

Morgan said...

All of these pictures are SO PRETTY! Yes, your sister looked beautiful. So did you! Your sister's so lucky to have so many beautiful pictures from her special day.

mandy* said...

Gorgeous pictures, K!!!! We're so happy for Joanna. Thanks for sharing the day with us!

Jeanne said...

I love her dress. They make such a beautiful couple, and she looks so happy!