Feb 9, 2010


Successful morning meeting with Huntsman Corp. They were thoroughly impressed with my knowledge of the local culture. I imagine they don't see too many bankers that understand the local nuances of Shade clothing and fry sauce.

Shortly thereafter, i met k dub and wandered pointlessly through The Gateway, while wondering aloud 'who the "fetch" (utahism) conceived of building an outdoor mall in such a cold climate?'

Currently in the parking lot of the Red Iguana, hoping to avoid a carjacking.


Suzi said...

please tell me you got ben's cookies while you were at the gateway. oh and please get your fake swearing under control. i am starting to get offended.

Mike said...

Take it up with the flippin' honor code office, Molly

Mike said...

PS -


(supposed to soften my tone)

Tara Edwards said...

I've always been fearfull when I visit Salt Lake about carjacking. Way more than when I'm in New Orleans.... Seriously!

Jennifer said...


noelle said...

i don't know, kathryn. i really like it when your husband posts... maybe it's that whole "law of two or three witnesses thing". i like the added... perspective. hilarious.

Meg said...

I admit that I wondered the same thing re: the cold / outdoor mall, but I figured ya'll were just used to the cold and didn't really notice!