Feb 26, 2010

Why sensible, high quality rainboots are not a frivolous expense in New York City.

(mid-morning snow)

(early afternoon warming)

(late afternoon slush)


Angie said...

AMEN! I tromped through the park this morning in over a foot of snow, stomping in 6 inch deep slush puddles for good measure. You just have to have boots! Not only to they make winter/spring here livable, they make it fun!

emily said...

wow. Rainboots don't cut it here for the cold, but we do NOT get slush like that. That is pretty cool! Uh, I see you already came and left Utah? Sorry...

Tara Edwards said...

Holy Cow Kathryn! You weren't kidding!! Do they make them for kids :)

k. said...

Emily - Snowboarding socks + wellies = toasty warm. Oh - & I obviously owe you an email.

Tara - Of course they do! Buy Ellie a pair in pink!


Missy said...

that slush! wow.

Lindsey said...

wow! good investment for sure... that would be really miserable without wellies.

p.s. pics of other people's kids are adorable (below).

erin said...

um. i took those exact same pictures yesterday. was about to do a post almost identical to this one. i'm so original.

Lizzie said...

My wellies arrived not a moment too soon. I have worn them every day this week.

noelle said...

it hurts me to look at these. wet cold and i do not go together. however, i do like your boots. if i were there, i'd buy a pair.

p.s. inadvertent rhyming! i love when that happens.

mb said...

Stupid slush. We are enemies.

Julie said...

My Hunters make me feel like I can do anything. Nothings gets in them!