Mar 11, 2010

September 26th.

Our baby + baby's heartbeat (!!).


Mike said...

I wish you could see its little arms twitching.

I'm absolutely smitten....

Corinne said...


Heidi said...

Yay- so excited for you guys!

Unknown said...

wow, wow!! so, you're at the 12 week mark? new babies may be my favorite part of this life. that's so great!

jocelyn said...

very exciting news! congratulations.

Morgan said...

Kathryn! Congratulations!!!!! I am seriously SO HAPPY for you and Mike. I get these crazy shivers down my spine whenever I'm really, really happy for someone and I'm definitely getting them right now.

P.S. Your baby is adorable already.

ellen said...

Hello Manhattan baby!!!

Elizabeth said...

There really is nothing better than hearing that heart beating no matter what appointment it is its always magical.

Missy said...

Hooray!!! Congrats to you both!

And this was the coolest way to announce a new baby, period. Heartbeat through the www?

Lindsey said...

Oh, am SO happy for you guys!

Louise said...

I am BEYOND THRILLED for you!! So exciting - congratulations! My favourite post yet! ;o)

Meg said...

Oh my gosh... I know we've never met IRL but I am SO very happy for you. You are going to be such sweet parents. Congrats!

mb said...

YAY BABIES! We are SO excited for you, seriously. Celebration time!

Lizzie said...

Kathryn! CONGRATULATIONS! I am so so so happy for you. What an incredible picture & sound!

Mindy said...

Oh. my. gosh. Congratulations! I am thrilled for you. And completely surprised. Yay!! xoxo.

Julia said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you. That is the best sound int the whole world!

Genevieve said...

Yay!!! So happy for you guys.

Heather said...

WOW!! Such wonderful news!

Celine said...

Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you!

Jill said...

chills & tears, i'm smitten too. that is incredible to hear the heartbeat. i'm so happy.

Jill said...

I can't wait to meet this little Whiting!!

caitlin and brinton said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to see the darling photos you're bound to take of your little one growing up.

di said...

congratulations dearest K! xo

Alissa said...

Melting my heart! Wow, absolutely amazing. And what a beautiful baby already! Can't wait to meet 'it.'

Kellie said...

congratulations! that's so exciting!

Unknown said...


And I was right, right? Hospital ultrasounds are so superior to doctors' office ultrasounds?

Amy said...

Hurray!! (For so many reasons!) =)

Groshon said...

Congratulations to you guys!

Marcus Lane said...

well well well congrats and welcome to the wonderful world of parenting!

it doesn't get any better than this!

Kellie said...

YAH!! Baby Girl R. will have a NY BFF!

Angie said...

NO WAY!!!! That is so exciting!!! Congratulations!!!

Becky said...

Oh my goodness, congratulations!!! Such wonderful news! I'm so excited for you guys!

Emily said...


Erin said...

oh my word!! yay! congrats. can't wait to find out what it is! Such exciting news!!

Katherine said...

Congratulations! So happy for you two. Yeah!!!

Jennifer said...

You guys will be super cool parents. Fist babies are exciting...I mean, all babies are cool, but there is something special about all the firsts that come along with a first baby.

I'm guessing a girl. I feel it.

Suzi said...

Welcome to the blog, BW. Love you already!

c-natalie-l-k-l said...

Congratulations!!! What exciting news!

Julie said...


Abbie said...

Congratulations! So happy for you!

erin said...

it's going to be a girl. and she and indie will be 3rd cousin besties. xo.

eyre blog said...

Yay! Yay! Yay! and Wow. Wow. Wow! We need more Whiting in the world. huge congrats to you guys!

Jamie said...

Oh we are so excited for you guys! Congrats!!!

Bri said...

I so did not see this coming! So exciting! You two are going to be GREAT parents! Congrats!

laurel said...

So exciting! Congrats Kathryn and Mike!

Lauren said...


noelle said...

kathryn!!!! thrill me!!!!!! happy, happy day. you will be a lovely little mamacita.

Heidi said...


Melissa said...

oh my goodness!! Yay! I am so happy for you Kathryn!! That is the BEST news!!

Mistie said...

Just stopped by your blog to take a peak and so glad i did! Congrats you guys. I still remember you rolling Ashton up in your rug and him wanting to unlock your back door with the key. fun times!
Take care!

Lula. said...

We are so very excited for you two. I have to say.. Mike told Ben on the lift while you were in UT last, but told me that he wasn't sure if he was supposed to tell me.

AAANYWAY-- that is so so wonderful. I hope your morning sickness goes away very soon. And I think you are going to make a beautiful mother.