Mar 7, 2010

Sundays are for Pot Roast-ing.

I've never actually done a pot roast before, & decided that today was the day. Now that I have - I feel like I'm a certified Mormon wife. So domestic of me to use my crock pot for the 3rd time, right? Mike actually said that it was the best dinner I've ever made. I believe the direct quote this morning (as I was searing meat & chopping vegetables) was, You're my hero! Oh wait. That was just a few minutes after I finally got around to putting away the laundry that was delivered to us last Monday (!!). I'm such a good wife. 

Steve & Will came over for dinner (Suzi was missed) & we served the roast with mashed potatoes, sweet corn, gravy (from scratch - I've never done that before, either) & asparagus. Plus warm cookies for dessert. 

I may have gone a little overboard, & we may have a lot of leftovers, but YUM. Loved, loved this meal. As a matter of fact, it was so good that Mike is currently in a full blown & self admitted food-coma, 45 minutes into taking a nice little nap at 6:45pm.

(And while asparagus may have been a slightly random addition, it was delicious & so pretty! I love asparagus.)


Unknown said...

I totally love pot roasting.. Beef stew is delish in the crockpot :)

Heidi said...

I love how easy the crock pot makes "pot roasting". I can never make that meal unless I know I will get a nap afterwards, I feel the same as Mike.

Morgan said...

I am salivating here. That dinner sounds so perfect! I'd be proud, too. What a lucky husband and dinner guests you have. The asparagus picture made me happy. Asparagus is amazing.

Meg said...

I love PW. I want to be her when I grow up. Your asparagus look so pretty, too!

mb said...

OH POT ROAST. It is my most favorite Sunday dinner EVER.

kado! said...

MMMmmm...asparagus is a great addition to almost any dinner!!!!