Mar 5, 2010

Food, food, food.

We just finished up a sensible dinner of grilled chicken, peas & a mushroom risotto (a recent random find at Trader Joe's - yum). Meat + vegetable + starch. It felt good to get back to something basic. 

See, the last 24 hours have been uncharacteristically busy. With food. And well, this week has been busy in general, but in a good way because it's been filled with friends (& friends + food often go hand in hand) - & friends make me happy. I met Ruth & Caitlin (visiting her NYC friends from her home in SLC) for breakfast yesterday morning at Le Pain Quotidien. I had mint lemonade & a fresh brioche. Corinne, Kelsey, Kidia & I met for a late lunch (brunch?) at Clinton Street Baking Company in the Lower East Side later in the day. Blueberry pancakes, of course - & those generally allow me to forgo food for the rest of the day quite happily. But then dinner? A small gathering of friends at La Esquina to celebrate Caitlin being in town, in the basement. See, La Esquina actually has three restaurants on the corner of Lispenard & Kenmare. First, the taqueria upstairs that we frequent often. Cheap tacos, elote & soda. You eat at the counter if you can find a spot, but it's always tight. Casual. Quick. Cheap. Then, there's the cafe just around the corner. Same menu, but there are servers & you get to sit at an actual table if you want something a little less casual. 

But downstairs? The brasserie. It's a totally difference scene (not one that I frequent often). It's celebrity-happy (John Mayer was there behaving badly the other night). It's almost impossible to get a reasonable reservation. And the access? It's actually funny. You get there by going into the taco stand, & then after getting approval from a bouncer + his walkie, you're allowed to go through a door (that says "employees only" - looks like a bathroom door) down a set of stairs into the basement. Next - you walk through the kitchen. And then into the restaurant. The first time I went there was in 2005. I was working at McKinsey at the time & asked one of my colleagues for a recommendation for a restaurant to take my dad to during his upcoming visit. He recommended La Esquina, saying it was his favorite spot in the city & that we just had to go. He was in his early 30's & single & living a very different lifestyle that mine - I should have taken that into consideration. But I made a reservation (for 11pm! It's a tough place to get into), & we went - totally naive as to what we were getting into. The food (tapas) was amazing, but the atmosphere was not quite what we were expecting. It looked a bit like a brothel. Dark, moody, & at 11pm - the music was blasting, the floor was jammed with sweaty bodies & it had the feeling of a club more than a restaurant. Suffice it to say, we were yelling at each other throughout dinner, & my dad was probably the oldest person in the restaurant by 20 years. We thought the whole thing was hilarious, but I remember feeling so totally intimidated (& young). Wesley Snipes - in his pre-felon days - was sitting at the table next to us, surrounded by a half dozen very drunk & almost naked women. It was quite the spectacle. But this time was a nice change of pace. The food was equally good, but our early reservation allowed for a more mellow atmosphere & a lovely dinner catching up with friends.

Anyway. I digress. 

The point is, food. I've been doing a lot of food

And then this morning! I met friend Amy for cinnamon rolls at Two Little Red Hens. Because they're that good, & I don't see Amy nearly often enough (she's a full time graduate student - can't wait until she graduates in May & can play!). 

Oh. And I may have had lunch with Jill at Whole Foods. Sushi. Yum. That's reasonably sensible, right? 

So tonight - A nap, & then dinner at home. It felt good to cook, & to utilize what was in my fridge / freezer / cupboards. Next, we're watching This is It. Maybe I'll learn how to moonwalk next Wednesday. 


Tara Edwards said...

Oh yum!! My fanciest meal today was a salad bar with the kids :)

Jill said...

how is it possible that you have plans with different people for every meal?! amazing. i get excited if i go out once a week :)

Jill said...

oh, and i want to try that risotto from TJ's. sounds so good right now.

k. said...


a) It was a very unusual day. My agenda is clearly never that busy.

b) I have zero offspring to worry about toting around.


Missy said...

Did you read John Mayer's interview in Rolling Stone mag? If you didn't, I wouldn't recommend it. He is dirty, period.

We have This is It coming next from Netflix.

cinnamon rolls are my favorite. totally wanting one of yours from that bakery of yours.

Lauren said...

I love the fish tacos at La Esquina. I love that you went there at 11 pm with your dad:)

Meg said...

Generally I read your NYC-food commentary with envy... today was the first time I could go "ahhh! I've BEEN there!" A friend of ours took us to the basement of La Esquina when we visited a few years ago and I have never forgotten that as one of my ultimate foodie experiences. (And the best mojitos I have ever, ever had.) This post broke back good memories... and a rumbling tummy.