Mar 4, 2010

Wednesday nights are for more than just Modern Family.

My inner thighs were sore this morning from getting my hip hop groove on last night. I have muscles there? It may have been a tiny bit of a harsh reminder about my current physical state & my neglected gym membership. But this class? One of my favorite things that I've ever done in the city, I think. Erin found it at the 92nd Street Y (not to be confused with the YMCA) & a few of us finally put on our sports bras & yoga pants & made the trip last night. Worth. Every. Penny. We giggled much of our way through it, & I probably looked more like a drill team dancer than someone ready to battle on the street, but that's okay. No one had video cameras & it won't be on YouTube any time soon. Thank goodness.

Wednesday nights are my new favorite.


dad said...

Come to Spokane and we can go Clogging!!

erin said...

you need a "dance" or "jiggy" label.