Apr 28, 2010

Fueling the growth of the Colbert Nation

(Attended a live taping of The Colbert Report tonight)

S. Colbert: "Does anyone have a question for me? Yes, you, young man"
M. Whiting: "My wife is almost 20 weeks pregnant. What should I name my baby boy?"
S. Colbert: "
M. Whiting: "So let it be written, so let it be done."


Bri said...

So awesome.

k. said...

We might have to have a little chat about Xerxes. As much as I love Stephen.

mb said...

whaaaat. Xerxes is the bad guy in "300" and he's super creepy in it. Veto.

but hilarious!

Missy said...

you look cute! 20 weeks?! you are halfways there!

k. said...


k. said...


erin said...

point mike.

Lindsey said...

love this. (though should clarify, not the name. just the moment with colbert. :)

Elizabeth said...

really?! how funny

Ashlii Brooke said...

yep - just read the wtf post (little belated but i just found this...im working hard what?! its a long tuesday michael dont judge me) and laughed to myself. but as i recall last time i was in jfk i almost punched someone in the face. and it was a girl. which is worse wtf or invisible manners? miss you bunches. ill be in town next week. i'd love to meet your wife and fetus. xx a