Apr 22, 2010


Let's do bullets today. 
  • I've taken approximately 6 photos this week. Sad. 
  • I wanted to get Mike a little present so I ran up to H&M & had these sneakers waiting for him when he got home from work yesterday. They'll be hanging up in our living room for the next few months, & will hopefully offer some sort of motivation / encouragement on those not-so-fun days.
  • Oh, & along with the shoes - I made a delicious dinner last night (I get lots of good wife points this week, I think). With lots of vegetables! Creamy Orzo with Chicken, Mushroom & Red Peppers. Just ignore the part about all the cream cheese & focus on the vegetables. Mike took some to work today, I had it for lunch & we'll still have enough leftovers for the next 5 days. But really - one of my latest favorites. I love trying new things. 
  • I don't think people should be allowed to smoke in public. I really don't. I don't have a choice as to whether or not I breathe, & it makes me (literally) want to throw up when I smell it. NYC sidewalks are sometimes brutal. 
  • Speaking of which, I walked several miles today while running errands. It feel so good to live in a walking city. It's just nice to have to move every day, so when something is within a mile (or sometimes 2), may as well walk! Most of the time. I'm calling it my exercise for the day. 
  • Tuesday's episode of Glee made me depressed. Even if I love the show & loved the music (& loved reading this article). Still. Depressed. Finn = ick.
  • My first package came in the mail (overnight?!), full of soft & cozy baby things. They're so tiny. So, so tiny. But it's fun to shop! And I love that my mom, sisters & friends are helping me look for things, too. It's fun to have people excited / happy for us. Even if someone said to me Oh, that's so disappointing! when I said that it was a boy. I mean, really?! Really.
  • Four pairs of really great jeans were stored under my bed this morning under the category of "don't even think about it anymore". I don't love this rubberband-with-pants business, so I've decided that if I can't button them, good riddance. So, away they go & I'm taking advantage of my stretchiest jeans & new favorite maternity pants in the meantime. I sort of feel like I'm twice the size I was two weeks ago (when said pants buttoned just fine, thank you very much). Sigh.
  • My mom & dad land at LaGuardia in an hour! We're eating at some of our favorite restaurants in the next 24 hours (Stanton Social, Recipe & Blue Smoke), & then heading to Pennsylvania for the rest of their stay. I'm excited to get out of the city & into the country. Cows! Fields! I'm sure it will be beautiful in the spring.  


Heidi said...

Who in the world said it was disappointing?!!! I would like to have at it with them, little boys are so great.

I am jealous of the living in a walking city thing. I dream of it, cars annoy me.

Katherine said...

Have a you tried a Be Band? They sell them at Target and hold up your un-buttoned jeans.

Jill said...

psssshhhhh. some people. boys could never be disappointing. babies are too wonderful. those sneakers are adorable.

also when i read your line about cows! in pennsylvania, i read it crows! and i was very confused as to why you were excited about those loud birds.

k. said...

Jill, that made me giggle. :) And Katherine, I hate those!! I tried it once and just couldn't stand it. I guess I'm basically just opposed to not buttoning my pants. :)

Kera said...

you know what, i sort of hate people who can wear their freakin jeans throughout their pregnancy. there i said it. screw those bands! they make really cute maternity jeans now. might as well be more comfortable.

Lindsey said...

I did not like those bands either. total waste of my money.

Yay! A new recipe.

And that person who said having a boy was disappointing... huh? What planet are they from?! Always amazed people like that actually exist...

k. said...
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k. said...

Jeans I love that totally work in pregnancy (without using bands or rubberbands) - My Forever 21 jeans (they're super stretchy), my JBrand legging jeans (super stretchy + really low - a good combination), & then these maternity pants from Gap that I love, love, love - no panel, adjustable waist. FYI:


And these, too.


erin said...

whoever made that disappointing comment obviously doesn't have a sweet baby boy. not kidding -- one of the sweetest relationships HF put on this earth was that between a mother and son. you will melt the first time that sweet boy says he loves you. tears.

Missy said...

cute shoes! there are few things cuter than baby shoes.

but, wait really? someone really said that a boy would be disappointing? that person must not have kids AT ALL because if they did they would know you love all the same. there are weird people in the world.

have so much fun with your parents!

Judy said...

I found your blog via Lindsey's side bar...and absolutely love your photography...reading about NY... and food.... plus, congratulations on carrying a little guy...we have two grandsons and they absolutely make my heart melt...along with their parents' hearts.

What would I do to get a copy of one of your flower photos??? I watercolor and would love to paint one of them!

k. said...

Judy, I'm happy to send you a photo - just send me an email & let me know which photo. :)

kathryn.h.whiting @ gmail . com

noelle said...

"oh that's so disappointing!"


sometimes i really don't like people. but i really heart boys. and if we're being honest here, i find my boys a thousand times easier than the chiquita. (though i love her equally as much.) a tolerance level for drama was just never my strong suit.

Meg said...

I loved that article re: Lea + Jonathan too! I wish I could go back to 2007 and see them in Spring Awakening.

Also, I should leave this comment on the appropriate post, but I adore your cow photos and your tulip photos. Your eye for lovely in the midst of ordinary makes me dizzy with delight.

Morgan said...

I feel the same way about smoking in public. Nothing about it makes any sense to me.

Someone really said that about your having a boy? Really? I'm going to assume that they meant well and that maybe (hopefully) they later regretted saying that. Your baby boy is already a blessing. There's certainly nothing disappointing about that.