Photo snapped, & immediately posted on Facebook, of course. Mike & his iPhone make me giggle.

This little boy saw me + the telephoto on my camera. He stopped, waved, smiled - & posed until I finally took a photo. We then proceeded to have a nice little conversation - full of his giggles - about how silly it was that he wasn't wearing any shoes (& yet the bottom of his feet were so clean)! The sweetest little boy. Absolutely innocent. I loved the Amish children. They're all so inquisitive & love the tourists. One little girl taught me how to twist my hair up into a bun like hers, & another let Mike take a spin on her scooter. Fun.

I really like cows, although some of their very full udders made me really nervous of times to come.
Haha full udders, not so comfortable. You will have the pleasure to enjoy it soon enough. Looks like you guys had a great time. I really need to get out of the city more (or even ever would be nice). Glad you enjoyed time with your parents!v
Do they kids wonder why people take pictures of them? That is pretty cool that it is so close to you yet so so different. Looks gorgeous.
very cool pics! i would love to visit amish country someday. that little boy is adorable.
HAHAHA, the very full udders comment is maybe one of the funniest things you've written on here. Is it weird that I'm reminded of my hometown while looking at these pictures? Perhaps it's the farming...
p.s. SO GREEN! I <3 East Coast
very pretty. and what a sweet little boy!
so simple and beautiful. sigh.
Did you know when we lived in Philadelphia, I used to drive up to Lancaster County for quick little drives to visit a particular home store that I loved! I loved having to pass the horse and buggies as we drove down the litte road that went through Intercourse. Seriously was one of the highlights of living in Philadelphia. I'm glad you had so much fun!
looks lovely.
two words: breast pump.
love amish country. i think the bonnet pic is my fave. if we're talking about full udders... bruce walked in the room while i was using my electric breast pump for the first time. i was crying and all i said was, "moo..." it was horrifying for the both of us. i think you should frame that cow picture and place it right above your glider.
I love it, I love it, I love it! I LOVE Amish country. Growing up in New Jersey, we used to go all the time. Our trips to Lancaster County were some of my very favorite. I love the huge, open fields. I love the people. I love the animals. I love the simplicity. I'm happy to hear that you guys met lots of great people, and ate lots of good food, and had such a wonderful time:)
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