Apr 30, 2010

Obligatory Blog Anniversary Post (with the utmost sincerity, of course).

Half a decade!

(Plus the almost two that we dated!)

He flew to Washington on New Year's Eve, drove up to the cabin in the middle of winter & got down on one knee (the left, apparently) & asked me to marry him. This from the man who, three years later, would jump off a boat & into the water at that same lake to save me from what was probably the most horrific wakeboarding yardsale / face plant in Priest Lake history (I survived, but didn't eat solid food for a few days). This from the man who brought me to New York & helped me grow confidence & grow up. This from the man who teaches me on a constant basis what the gospel really means. This from the man who would get tears in his eyes every time I'd get really, really sick during my first few (four) months of pregnancy. This from the man who, 5 years later, rubs my growing belly every morning & looks at me like I'm the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. This from the man who last night, as I was trying to tell him something & was very aware he wasn't listening said, I'm sorry sweetheart! I'm just distracted by your boobs! They're bangin'! He makes me laugh, & I love him.

I remember sitting there floating in that water & just hurting. But he jumped in & I knew more than ever that he really, really loved me. And I really, really love him. 

Happy 5 years, love. 

(PS, why did everyone in the Hudson Family Tree decide to invest in bazillion dollar DSLR's & lenses & become semi-pro photographers AFTER we got married??)


Tara Edwards said...

Happy Anniversary!

Jill said...

happy anniversary you two! i love your wedding pictures, so beautiful & classy. (you're gorgeous) also i don't remember hearing the story about your face plant - horrible.

Meg said...

Happy Anniversary! What a touching tribute to your marriage.

Morgan said...

Haha, I love the big wet spot on Mike's knee. Both your words and the pictures are so sweet. I think both of you are pretty lucky to have each other:) Happy anniversary!

Jill said...

happy anniversary!

Julie said...

happy anniversary! sweet, sweet post.

Jan said...


Kera said...

happy anniversary! still love your dress.