Apr 18, 2010

On the eve of 18 weeks, we feasted.

We went on a date last night. I made a reservation a week in advance, we didn't invite any friends to come with us, & we went on a date. A real date, with just the two of us. Recipe is quickly becoming one of my very, very favorite restaurants in the city - casual, relatively inexpensive (especially their price fixe for lunch), & small + quaint. Sadly, I'd never actually been with Mike. So, a quick ride on the M79 through the park to the west side & there we were. Our meal was in the top 3 of any I've ever had in New York, I think. It was so good that I feel the need to document it (with words, not photos sadly). We ate: 

Jumbo Crab Cake
granny smith apple, celery root, crab bisque

Roasted Locally Grown Beets
goat cheese, lolla rosa, toasted pecans, banyuls vinaigrette

Seared Scallops & Gnocchi
kabocha squash gnocchi, pumpkin seeds, winter chestnut sauce

Tagliatelle Lamb Shank Ragoƻt
pecorino, wild mushrooms, smoked rosemary jus

Chocolate Pignoli Tart
sea salt, mascarpone gelato

I suppose this looks like a ridiculous amount of food, but we shared an appetizer (the crab cake - one of the best I've had), & my meal consisted of two appetizers (the beets & the scallops). Scallops with gnocchi? Those are two of my very favorite foods, & to put them together on one plate?! It was heaven. Truly, truly heaven. Our anniversary is in two weeks, & even though this place isn't fancy (we think that 5 years of marriage justifies fancy) we've added it to our short list of places to go.

I should also add that the Chocolate Pignoli Tart is easily the best dessert I've ever had in my entire life. 

In belly news, I've almost fully committed myself to pants with a stretchy waist band. What an amazing invention! Especially after a big meal. 18 weeks (today!) & I'm feeling pregnant finally (& not just sick + chubby). My appetite is strong, the closest I've come to throwing up has been nothing more than a close call every now & then, & I can see my bump even when I'm lying down (!).  I can feel Baby wiggling almost every day now. Magical. And tomorrow - it gets to be known as a "he" or a "she". 


Louise said...

You look radiant! And I love your prose, as ever. I ate lunch before I read your blog and it still made me hungry!! Have fun tomorrow - it truly is life-changing when you know what "colour" your baby is!!

Heidi said...

You don't look pregnant yet to me!

Can't wait for tomorrow.

Jan said...

Oh yum.....can we go there for lunch on Friday? We're coming to New York, in case you've forgotten!

Elizabeth said...

LOVE the top!!!! You look Beautiful and glowing!!

mb said...

Ahhhh he or she!!!

Jill said...

i want to go there for sure. maybe for our anniversary in 1 month!

Lindsey said...

love the top! you look beauitful and your dinner sounds amazing. can't wait to find out tomorrow... I mean today!

Morgan said...

Aww Kathryn, you look so pretty. I'm sooo excited to find out if you're having a girl or a boy. I can only imagine how excited you must be!

And congratulations on the job! How wonderful that you get to do something that you love.

Jill said...

you look radiant K, so so pretty

Kera said...

your shirt is adorable!!!