May 12, 2010

Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Modern Century.

I prowled the streets all day long, feeling very strung-up & ready to pounce, determined to "trap" life - to preserve life in the act of living.

I remember first seeing this photograph during a photography workshop I took on composition several months ago. I loved it. The instructor briefly mentioned the photographer as being one of the masters, I forgot his name, & we all moved on.

Mike pulled a page out of one of The Economist last month & stuck it on the fridge. We have to go see this! An upcoming exhibit at The MOMA that he thought I'd love - Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Modern Century. So that was our Saturday afternoon date - after breakfast at home with friends who were in town, a quick meeting with the contractor who is working on our new apartment before we move in, & lunch at Cascabel (so close to our new home!), we went to The MOMA.

The Economist mentioned that Cartier-Bresson "rarely used a light meter or checked his aperture setting, & he seldom took more than a few shots of a single subject. With the instinct of a hunter, he knew when to click the shutter." You can see this in his photos - they're all simple, organic & not overthought - & so stunningly beautiful in how they portray life & his wanderings around the world.

(We bought a print of one of our favorites. Of course, after stopping by Pottery Barn to pick up a frame on the way home, I managed to scuff the print when trying to put it in the frame - totally ruining it - as soon as I got home. I went back to the shop the next day & they let me exchange it! For free! Even though it was totally my own human error & no fault of their own. Nice people make me happy. Oh - & I'm letting them frame & ship it this time. I'm not making that mistake again.)


Becky said...

Okay I just discovered Cascabel 2 weeks ago which is a year and a half too late(has it even been open that long?). Love it! And wow impressive photo. Amazing! Glad you found an apartment you love, so exciting.

mb said...

beautiful! I googled the guy after reading this, and wow!

Jan said...

I love that you teach me new things...I'll look him up when I'm not busy with the girls. I'm so happy for you about the replacement print. It is just so nice to have good experiences like that now and then.

Jennifer said...

No Way! I was going to ask you to go to this for me :) I read about it in the New Yorker and geography is against me, I wanted someone to see it!

We are the same person, maybe? Or maybe Mike and I are the same person. Either way, we get it.

Missy said...

Devin reads the economist too and showed this to me. Very cool. Glad it was good and I want to see the one you are getting framed!

And I'm obsessed with good customer service. Those things make my day...or maybe month. Happy for you!

k. said...

Well, first we bought the one above (love, love it). Then we changed our minds & bought one called "Brie, France, June 1968":

noelle said...

good choice. i really, really love his photographs.