May 25, 2010

Friend Handbook 101.

(Last week, but I love this photo.)

I think that the new rule in the Friend Handbook (which I'm going to write very shortly) should be that you're not allowed to leave. Ever. For the sake of everyone involved, it should just simply be forbidden. I'm just saying. No more of this leaving New York business. I cried when Erin told me she had bought her plane ticket a month ago, I've cried numerous times since then just thinking about it, & I cried again on my walk home tonight. She's a friend that I just loved from Day 1, & now I love her like a sister. 

Like I said, it should be forbidden.

A few of us met up with Erin at Emack & Bolio's tonight for some ice cream - the last outing before she takes Fox & Indie to Utah for the summer, & then to Texas in the fall (until they move back to New York - right, Matt? RIGHT, MATT?! - or we could reconvene in a few years in Madrid or London). I'm pretty sure that there are few things in life better than talking & laughing with friends for a few hours (until they close the place down), covering far reaching topics including but certainly not limited to the absolute ridiculousness of the word huzzah. I mean seriously, who actually says that? Like out loud?* 

Here's to a future visit to Texas & to being lucky enough to know & love the Burtons. Even if it means my heart is breaking just a little.

*Apologies to everyone I just offended. Shoot.


Jan said...

Seriously, I weep with you, as does anyone who has had the blessing of kindred spirit friends who move way too far away for comfort. Thank goodness for phones, but that still just doesn't begin to cut it....not even for a moment.

noelle said...

oh, kathryn. i'm so sorry. erin is a treasure. i know she'll miss you dearly. sometimes bruce and i wish we could take all of our dear friends from every place we've ever lived and bring them to one single location. it would be a sort of utopia, wouldn't it?

also, i say huzzah! i really do. but only when i'm teaching a group fitness class. because there's something about having 35 people staring at you with a mirror at your back and a mic at your mouth. i have a tendency to say really, really, really dumb and embarrassing things while exercising for an audience. i also do really embarrassing things, but i'll save that convo for the next time we are face to face...

chin up! i know erin will be back to see you and baby boy. xo.

Jill said...

what a great picture! i'm afraid in ny that rule is going to be broken all too often ~ but you'll have friends that dot the globe if you stick around for a while ~ and you'll always have visitors, like it or not. :)

erin said...

you remember that dream i told you about, right? the one where you were mad and totally ignoring me and i was agonizing over what i had done wrong? that was one of the worst nights i've had, ever, and it was only a dream, have mercy. don't ever do that to me again -- i love you way too much.


Lindsey said...

I think this new rule is a great idea! I am sad for you... It happens everywhere, but even moreso in the city, right?

and yay, i'm with you and the word 'huzzah'.