May 25, 2010


Goodbye, 5D.

Today: Went & saw the finished product of our freshly painted apartment. It looks amazing. Love it.

Currently buried in boxes until moving day (Thursday).


Jan said...

Document the process - Can't wait to see how it all fits into the boxes!

Kera said...

what color is the new apartment painted? anything fun?

Missy said...

You are moving too! I just read Heidi's blog...and mid-pregnancy too. Moving is tough, but I can't wait to hear/see the new apt!

k. said...

Kera, it's grey - with white trim / doors / etc. It's pretty (& I think it's fun). :)

noelle said...

oh, i feel so tired for you! hang in there...

Lindsey said...

Hope moving day went well....:)