May 6, 2010


I understand that this has made thorough rounds of the Blogsphere + all other forms of social networking, but I finally watched it for the first time (thanks, N) yesterday, on a Wednesday when I needed it. And it humbled me.

I don't mean to be so dramatic, but on a day when a lease falls through at the absolute very last minute & in that exact moment you receive news that family member passed away unexpectedly hours before (not putting them on the same plane, of course - but apparently when it rains, it pours), it's good to gain a little bit of a perspective.

Faith is everything. The Gospel is everything. Focus on those things, & everything else works out. It just will. And that makes me feel better on less-than-perfect days.

*And everything will work out for us, & is already. We're fine, & we love our family + good friends. 


Kelsey said...

Shoot! I'm so sorry to hear it. Let me know if you need anything. I hope that you still had some leftover Fatwitch brownie to make you feel a bit better! xoxo

Lindsey said...

I am really sorry to hear about these things. I hope all starts looking up soon. it is an amazing video. She's such an inspiration, for sure.

Kirsten Krason said...

That is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

noelle said...

eesh. i'm so sorry. but i guess you already know it will all work out. you're a good girl, k.

Missy said...

Oh I'm so sorry Kathryn. I hope today is better...on all accounts.

Louise said...

I absolutely love this - I have been meaning to write about it on my blog too. It is so true - I love Elder Holland's quote at the end - I love the feeling he expresses through his words. The Gospel is absolutely everything, you're right.