May 6, 2010


Mike gave a pretty accurate representation of how we were feeling after we signed the lease on our new apartment tonight. We went up to the roof deck of the building & took in our new view (our apartment is directly below where Mike is standing) & I may have jumped up & down a few times clapping my hands. So excited. And it's a better situation than what we lost yesterday. 

See. Things work out, eventually. Sometimes sooner rather than later.

Our third apartment on the Upper East Side! Our fourth in New York. We're going to try staying in this one for a few years.

We've now lived on the 30th floor (Wall Street - 2 years), the 29th floor (92nd Street - 2 years), the 5th floor (76th Street - 1 year) & now the 33rd floor (80th Street - starting in a few weeks).

Finding an apartment & signing a lease in New York is akin to ripping off toenails one by one. I'm so happy it's over.


Jill said...

oh my goodness. i need to hear this story. i'm so glad something worked out.

Jennifer said...

Let the packing (and unpacking!) begin! It'll be a good "nesting" exercise. Purge, purge, purge.

Kera said...

awesome! i love that i have stayed at 2 of your apartments. that's saying something right?