May 30, 2010

This belly + the man responsible are going to an island in the middle of the Caribbean.

24 weeks, on our walk home from Central Park tonight. Should I be embarrassed?!

Probably not I suppose, because Baby Boy is big enough at this point that Mike & I just sat on the couch & watched my belly pop out in different directions + felt lots of kicks as he had a little solo dance party for a few minutes. It was by far his best performance for Mike yet. 

I can't believe we're here already, but we're off to get some sun on our faces (& belly - I'm feeling great about the nautical style bikini I picked up a few weeks ago), + sand between our toes for the next week. My last two times flying - at 8 weeks & 14 weeks - were less than fun, so I'm grateful that those 20-ish (?!) weeks of nausea are a thing of the past. 



Missy said...

Oh! This sounds wonderful right now. Have SO much fun. Will you be checking in at all?

I think you look great. Amazing for 24 weeks. Over halfway there? Tell me your pregnancy is going by fast for you too...

Mandy Sue said...

Have a great time!! You look fantastic!

Louise said...

You look great, and I cannot even believe you are 24 weeks!! It is going by so fast! Have a wonderful holiday, can't wait to see your pictures.

mb said...

Hahaha I laughed out loud at the title of this post. Have a blast at the beach! After this move we need a vacation too...smarty pants is what your guys are.

Katherine said...

You look fantastic. Have a great time!!

Elizabeth said...