Jun 8, 2010

Goodbye St. Martin, Hello New York.

We're back. 

Landed just before midnight last night, in a cab by 12:15 & home by 12:30am. Amazing. 

Curtains that wouldn't fit our new windows (sniff) sold & picked up by a nice Craigs List shopper by 7am, unpacked by 8am, breakfast by 8:30am, laundry in by 10:30am & Fuji Instax photos scanned in by 11:15am (so, so glad I brought that camera). Mail is sorted, suitcases are put away & my to do list is organized. The rest of the day - I'm off to a doctors appointment, some various errands & then Trader Joe's to fill our totally empty fridge. Then I will see friends that I've missed, relax on my couch & keep thinking about how nice it was sitting on the beach yesterday drinking my (virgin) strawberry colada with lime.


Kera said...
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Louise said...

I'm so happy you're back, I've missed your posts! Although, seriously, you put me to shame with how organised you are already!! Very impressive!

Can't wait to see pictures!

Jan said...

You put us all to shame!

Kera said...

wow, my message this morning was ALL over the place!
sorry. i think i'm losing my mind...

Missy said...

I totally unpack as fast as I can too. Just get it all over with and back organized.

Can NOT wait to see more pics..of the vacation, your home, your belly. All of it.

Lindsey said...

can't wait to see all your pics. i know their must be many!