I always feel silly getting my own photo taken, but a) Mike needs to learn how to use an SLR & b) I have a maybe-obsessive need to document.
So here we are. 22 weeks (-2 days, if we're being technical). Both of us! I chose this outfit even though my Dad told me that I maybe shouldn't be wearing horizontal stripes (?!) after I posted these photos, & also; questionably, to a taping of a show that will be televised ON NATIONAL TELEVISION. A poor decision, perhaps. I attended a taping on Friday of a Food Network production with a very intimate audience, about 20 of us. I'll be the one in the very front with the bright stripes, protruding belly, & leggings worn as real pants. Not quite sure what I was thinking. I'll be sure to let you know when it airs, Internet. Yup. Definitely.
good work with the camera mike. you both look great. mike gets points for not violating the leggings as pants rule. :)
You look great - I love the color and the stripes. No mistaking what's going one now! :)
you can wear leggings as pants, kathryn. you look great in them. wear your cuss leggings but not around my postpartum hiney.
oh, and mike's belly heart is awesome. tell him he's throwin' up the twentysomething white mormon girl's gang sign.
horizontal stripes+pregnant= A OK. in fact, i love it.
HAHA I love Mike's belly heart. Ya'll are two darn cute. You with your lil "maybe I ate too much?" 22 week belly.
PS, ditto on the obsessive need to document. You make me feel normal.
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