May 17, 2010

5 Years ago today we were driving a UHaul & lost somewhere in China Town.

(Image via friend Kylie - she's gifted.)

We don't get lost any more, but we're always discovering something new in the city. That's reason #489 why we love it here so very much.

5 Years! From our tiny first apartment on Wall Street, to settling on the Upper East Side - & going on our 4th apartment! Jobs in Midtown, Tribeca & even Greenwich. Restaurants all over the city. Broadway shows. Cupcakes! Lots of wanderings & people watching. Museums, TV show tapings, runs through Central Park & picnics with friends. The corner grocery store, dry cleaner & nail salon - all within a 1 minute walk. Bus rides, subway rides & cab rides. So many good friends & memories. Surviving frigid winters & humid summers. Bagels! We love NYC bagels (& pizza). And last Friday - we finally saw a baby pigeon! It only took 5 years.

We thought about the suburbs once, briefly. But you know what? Nothing is the same as living every day life here. We're so glad that we do.

Happy Anniversary, New York. We love you.


Jill said...

i love that image. way to go kylie.

happy 5 years!

Morgan said...

Happy anniversary! I love the image and I, too, really (really, really, really) love New York. I really do think of New York as a person- not just a place (or even a thing), but a real living, breathing person who gives so much and seems to ask for nothing in return. I say it all the time, but I truly do believe that New York has something special, and unique, and absolutely fabulous to offer to each and every person who opens up their heart and allows New York to get inside. I'm so happy that New York has been so good to you.

I'm just getting a chance to catch up on reading your recent posts and I just have to say that I am so, SO happy for you. You just look SO happy, and you sound so happy, and it all just makes me oh so very happy. I'm just happy that you're happy:)

erin said...

kylie! you nixon girls make me sort of hate myself a little. adorable.

i bet you can't wait to live every day life in texas. i'm sending you a confederate flag for the baby's room.